Crime Scene Cleanup in Kersey, Colorado
(720) 316-7522
Suicide Cleanup in Kersey, Colorado
Denver Crime Scene Cleanup is a local crime & suicide remediation company that cleans up after suicides, crime scenes, unattended deaths, homicides, and C-DIFF. Our crime scene cleanup experts specialize in death scene cleaning and the sanitizing of homes, businesses, and vehicles after a person has been found deceased. Suicide cleanup and other incidents while showing compassion toward those receiving our services. Our goal is to help families and friends recover by relieving them of the burden of remediating and return to them a home that is completely clean and sanitized.
Suicide cleanup services;
- Suicide
- Shotgun suicide
- Drug overdoses
- Hangings
- Slashed wrists
- Asphyxia
- Blood
- Bodily fluids
- Human decomposition
Unattended Death Cleanup in Kersey, Colorado
There are 5 stages that describe the process of human decomposition – fresh, bloat, active decay, advanced decay, and dry/remains.
- FRESH – The “fresh” stage begins immediately after the heart stops beating. From the moment a person dies, the corpse will begin cooling or warming to match the temperature of the environment.
- BLOAT – Bloating provides the first sign that Human decomposition is underway. In this stage, anaerobic metabolism will take place, leading to gases, such as methane, and nitrogen. These gases within the bodily cavity cause the distention of the abdomen and give the corpse its overall bloated appearance.
- ACTIVE DECAY – Active decay is where the body is showing a mass loss. This loss occurs as a result of both the extreme feeding of maggots and the purging of decomposition fluids into the environment. This stage is where you will begin to smell the rotting flesh from the corpse.
- ADVANCED DECAY – Decomposition is largely inhibited during advanced decay due to the loss of flesh and bodily fluids from the body. Maggot activity is also reduced during this stage.
- DRY REMAINS – All that remains of the body at this stage is dry skin, cartilage, and Skeletal Remains, which will become dry and bleached if exposed to the elements.
Denver Crime Scene Cleanup will handle the removal, disposal, and odor elimination of an unattended death that involves human decomposition and decay so our clients do not have to. In fact, only trained and compassionate cleaning specialists such as ours can safely ensure the scene is completely cleaned and returned to an inhabitable state right away!
Unattended Death Cleanup Services in Kersey;
- Undiscovered death cleanup
- Human decomposition remediation
- Maggot and other insects removal
- Odor remediation
- Disinfection
- Disposal
Feces & C. diff Cleanup in Kersey, Colorado
C. diff (also known as Clostridioides difficile or C. difficile) is a germ that causes severe diarrhea and colitis (inflammation of the colon). It’s estimated to cause over one million infections in the United States each year. you can come in contact with C. diff and even carry them on, or in, your body and not get sick. But that doesn’t mean you can’t spread C. diff to others.
Denver Crime Scene Cleanup has been cleaning businesses, homes, and nursing homes in Kersey affected by C. diff and other bacteria since 2005.
C. diff cleanup services;
- C. diff cleanup
- Feces cleanup
- Urine cleanup
- Removal and disinfection for homes and businesses in Kersey
Meth Lab Cleanup in Kersey, Colorado
Before you can start cleaning up a meth lab in a home, it is important to know the dangers of this drug called METH! Meth labs are extremely toxic and need to be cleaned up by a professional biohazard remediation company in Kersey, Colorado. Fire and explosions are at risk due to the chemicals used in the cooking process. Entering a meth lab before it’s been tested and cleaned can cause symptoms ranging from coughing, nausea and dizziness, chemical burns, and can cause death. Exposure from meth lab chemicals occurs through inhalation, absorption, or through direct skin contact and ingestion.
Most insurance companies have coverage for a meth lab and biohazard cleanup. If you have any questions please give us a call and we can help you right away! We are always available so you will know that your cleanup and your insurance claim process will go as smoothly as possible.
Medical Cleanup in Kersey, Colorado
When it comes to achieving the highest standard of Medical Cleanup, Denver Crime Scene Cleanup will clean and sanitize homes, businesses, hospitals, and nursing homes. Our standards are higher, and the need for comprehensive disinfection and extreme cleaning is paramount. We understand those emergency needs and is proud to offer medical cleanup services in Kersey, Colorado 24/7.
Medical Cleanup Services;
- Blood cleanup
- Feces and urine cleanup
- Bodily fluid cleanup
- Suicides and trauma scenes
- Unattended deaths
- Medical accidents

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